EVP & Employer Brand

As an employer branding agency, employee value proposition (EVP) is right up our street. We’ll breathe new life into your employer brand, banish the boring bits (obviously) and bring out the reasons why people should stay with you and why all that sparkly new talent should choose you in the first place.

Our science-backed approach (we have our very own EVP guru!) helps us to unpick what makes you great and gives you all the tools and messages you need to shout about how fantastic you are from the rooftops.

Our business is your business, so let’s work together to promote your employer brand, culture, and values for all to see (and admire!)

Attracting new talent with a personal approach to innovation

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Unleashing Paramount’s potential with a new EVP and employer brand

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Purpose and people – connecting the two with an EVP for DHSC

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What we do


We always start by understanding where you’re coming from and what you need so we can understand your challenge and, of course, your audience. We’ll listen and get to know the existing state of play. How do your people feel about you as an employer and as a brand? It’s all about the insight!


Once we’ve got the insight, we’ll play it back so you can get a sense of the mood and the opportunities out there. With our insight under our belts, we can co-create the right campaign objectives and tactics to drive your employer brand strategy while testing it and listening to your audience to keep it on track.


All that data and information will inform how we tell your employer story and set out a narrative with the right sentiment, prompts and details to help people see who you are as an organisation. We’ll use emotion to bring your story to life and spark imaginations. We’ll back it up with logic and credibility to make it real. 


    We’ll closely match our creative to the strategy and release all the assets and creative resources to get people talking about you as an employer and a brand. We’ll be on hand to help refine and measure so you know you’re doing everything you can to get your story and proposition out to the people that matter.

    Meet the EVP and Employer Brand Team

    Hello, we are Carly and Simon (not Carly Simon LOL!). Along with marvellous Meg and (erm… jolly?) James, we’re your friendly neighbourhood EVP team.

    Carly Murray

    Internal Comms Director

    Carly Murray

    Email Carly

    Fancies herself as an 80s popstar, but unfortunately, she can’t sing for toffee. Even in the shower. Thankfully, Carly sounds much better when talking about all things internal communications related.

    Megan Hambly

    Senior Account Executive

    Megan Hambly

    Email Megan

    Typically buried somewhere in a bookshop reading the current best-seller. But when she’s not, she’ll be digesting the latest client briefs and turning them into perfect project plans.

    Simon Andrew

    Employer Brand & Behavioural Comms

    Simon Andrew

    Hasn’t done a triathlon for years but still bangs on about it today. Also bangs on about understanding employee behaviour being key to any successful employee-led project.

    James Blake

    Senior Copywriter

    James Blake

    Senior Copywriter James once went out with an apostrophe. But it was too possessive. Copywriting jokes rock! When he’s not writing, James will be playing the didge or swimming in the sea. Or both.

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