Previous Barn to Boardroom events
Listen up, people! Listening can game-change your workplace culture.
As delegates at our ninth Barn to Boardroom (the networking event for all IC pros) recently heard, listening up and listening in to their people (and getting leaders to do the same) as part of acknowledging peoples’ diverse voices can go a long way towards delivering a great working culture.
Disruption… do it, deal with it and make it work for you!
Disruption… it’s a fact of life these days. Learn what the delegates at our recent Barn to Boardroom event discovered about how to embrace it, learn from it, cope with it and even make it work for you.
Employee experience – brand EX journeys,secret weapons and working happy
Sarah Meurer from Elsevier talks their EX journey so far, Simon Andrew from The Surgery talks the about EX is the employer branding secret weapon, Alex Graves from Silicon Reef talks loving your digitial EX and Lucy Kemp, Employee Experience Consultant, discusses EX in detail.
Virtual B2B: The Big Christmas Giveaway
Mike Lantzy from Soundbite talks new channel ideas, Claire Widd from Rackspace talks employee-led conversations, Alex Graves from Silicon Reef discusses how to work happy with Microsoft 365, Richard Etienne from Elsevier talks about confident speaking, Joe Gilliver from The Chameleon Agency talks engaging events and Sarah Meurer from Elsevier discusses Ex – the next frontier for IC.
Virtual B2B 3: Focusing on looking afterourselves and others
Kate Isichei, a Global Internal Comms Consultant, talks looking after managers, Kim Sprague, Coach & Founder of Flamingo Life, talks looking after your career and Sarah Meurer, Head of IC at Nestle talks looking after your team. Plus a stretching session with Matt Jordan from The Energy Coach.
Virtual B2B 2: How you can talk aboutrace in the workplace
A special edition of Barn to Boardroom hosted by Kate Isichei a Global Internal Comms Consultant, RIchard Etienne who is Deputy Head of Internal Comms & BAME Network Co-chair, and Uzma Mohamedali a Change and Communications Expert.
Virtual B2B 1: Aligning leadership, remotemeeting top tips and swiping right on business
Matt Davies talks how to align your leadership behind the same story, Gerrie Hawes talks top tips for running remote meetings and Simon Andrew discusses swiping right on your business.
Changing times, saving the planet,nuturing social, and next level video
Sarah Meurer from Nestle talks thriving in times of change, Shan Chatoo from OCS talks how communications can save the planet, Nathan Wallis from Wesleyan talks how to love and nuture a social network, Paul Jackson from Marsh & McLennan Companies talks the roll of communications bringing a business together, Hannah Shepherd from Virgin Media discusses taking video to the next level.
A brand’s journey, honest communication,diversity, cultural differences and changes
Gemma Lacey from Southern Co-op talks their brand journey, Debra Corey from Reward Gateway talks honest communication, Marina Christian Bhonsale from Barclays talks diversity in the workplace, Rufina Magline from Roche talks cultural differences and challenges in the indian market, and Juliet Earp from BP discusses the support for culture change.
B2B In The City: Create a customer culture inside your organisation
A special Barn to Boardroom hosted in London, with presentations from Victoria Flash from National Grid, Ruth Blanco from Roche Diagnostics and Mandy Mainwaring from E.ON.
Connecting employees to values, middlemanagement and strategy engagement
Kelly Todd from Viacom talks creating corporate strategy engagement when dealing with brands that are bigger then your business, Lynsey Craven from NATS talks harnessing the power of middle managers for change, and Antony Hopker from National Grid discusses connecting employees with your purpose, vision and values.
Social media platforms, leadershipcomms and the role of neuroscience
Richard Gera from GSK talks managing social media platforms for communication, Russell Grossman from Rail Regulator talks leadership comms across government functions and Hilary Scarlett from Scarlett Associates discusses line managers and the roll of neuroscience.
Changing cultures, integrating IC with stakeholders and the role of the leader
Claire Ward and Karen Gravestock speak from WWF-UK about Changing Culture – People and place, Oli Howard from the CAA talks Integrating IC with stakeholders and exteral comms, and Alaric Mostyn from Leadership Guru discusses the role of the leader.